Wednesday 10 August 2011

Cat And Dog

Canines respond to the symptoms differently in comparison to felines. They prefer curling within dark areas and sleep most of the day. The infected eye is sensitive to light and exposure makes the experience painful, causing a major shift in dog behavior. In the case of felines, they respond to severe itching and inflammation by rubbing the region against furniture edges. It is not uncommon to see a cat consistently use its paw to wipe discharge. Whimpering in the case of a dog and purring more than usual in the case of a cat is quite normal as they battle invading agents. Treatment of the condition to promote dog care and cat health includes antibiotics, steroids, repeated eye-flush and mediation to reduce inflammation and pain.

Pink eye or conjunctivitis in pets causes a major shift in behavior. The otherwise outdoor pet shows signs of submissiveness and refrains from any bright light. However, it is very important to ensure that the animal is not treated in haste for a harmless eyelash causing irritation. It is important to consult the vet and diagnose the condition, to promote pet health. If at all it does turn out to be pink eye, you need to keep other pets away from the animal. The condition is contagious and spreads rapidly. There are a number of herbal remedies available to ensure that the medication applied directly to the eyes is not an allergy trigger.

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